B - Organisms
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Concept absorbed by
B01 - Eukaryota
D - Chemicals and Drugs
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Concept absorbed by
D08 - Enzymes and Coenzymes
D20 - Complex Mixtures
D23 - Biological Factors
I - Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
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Concept absorbed by
I01 - Social Sciences
N - Health Care
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Concept absorbed by
N01 - Population Characteristics
N06 - Environment and Public Health
SH - Science and Health
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Concept absorbed by
SH1 - Health Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management
SP - Public Health
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Concept absorbed by
SP2 - Health Care (Public Health)
SP3 - Population Studies in Public Health
SP4 - Environmental Health
SP5 - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SP6 - Nutrition, Public Health
SP8 - Disasters
SP9 - Health Law
VS - Health Surveillance
Deleted term
Concept absorbed by
VS2 - Health Surveillance of Products
VS4 - Environmental Health Surveillance